
  • Relatert Maccast (enhanced)
    카테고리 없음 2020. 2. 15. 12:22

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    History being made here in Florida where. Wouldn't call it. Polls right now on the big boobs.

    Everyone I'm Devin Dwyer great to have you with us some on the campaign trail in Florida where Democrat Andrew gill and in the hunt to be the State's first African American governor. These are big profile this week but the latest on his race plus the battle to control the house and the senate in the big number of our friends at 538 join us what they're up to the minute analysis.

    Our big race today in Missouri State president from one big and white sixteen were democratic senator is now fighting to hold on. White health care could be the decisive issue there.

    In this mid term is not just the battle for votes but at battle over how difficult it should be to cast a ballot. Where there are cases of voter suppression what can you do you feel you're right to vote is being compromised. Voting rights is our biggest. Well for most people the right to vote is pretty cotton dry if you're a citizen you have that you simply go. You cast a ballot but this year it's gotten noticeably more complicated and confusing. As dozens of states have enacted new voting laws in fact nationwide millions of voters have even been purged from the rolls. During aggressive lists maintenance over the past year supporters of all the states aimed at preventing voter fraud which remains very rare.

    And voting rights advocates say they see something a little more sinister turn to tactics of the past to limit minority voters. Sabena Moore says she's one of 53000. People in Georgia whose voter registration is in limbo most of them black voters because of a mismatched addressed incorrectly spelled name. I don't think there's a way to take a layer is in this election McCain is so and Myrna it is about that there is still. So much of errors of that happening here. In Georgia's heated race for governor the State's dark past of racial discrimination.

    Looms large and Democrats Casey Abrams in a bid to be Georgia's first African American governor is facing Republican Bryan Camden rapids to be secretary of state of the man who enforces the voting rules and some accusing trying to suppress votes. How could someone that's running the election ousting running in and having Eli completely unbiased and camp says he's just following this dates and exact match verification law aimed at preventing. Fraud Rasho my driver's license.

    My address is what's my name don't it they should be doing the same time they should be treated any special the mountains through it and I'm getting tired program. It's not just tougher voter ID and registration rules. Across the country tens of thousands of voters have been improperly kicked off state voter rolls. The purges Keating more aggressive and up 33%.

    Since the last midterm. We're moving up the hot whale freedom brought the city of it won't let it.

    And we battle fought to stop now. Pre 1965 a lot of states primarily in the deep south made an extraordinarily difficult to access the ballot and implemented. Boating restrictions that had a very disproportionate impact on the basis of race. After the civil war it was poll taxes property ownership rules and literacy test into disenfranchising.

    Relatert Mac Cast Enhanced Edition

    African Americans. The civil rights movement of the 1960s fought back that march from Selma to Montgomery. Directly leading to passage of the landmark voting rights act of 1965. The real hero. This struggle. His the American League.

    His actions and Pope. His courage to rest safely. And even who this is why. Since then the federal government's police knew Steve phony loss acting as a check on states trying to restrict access to polling places early voting. Or imposing stricter new ID rules. The Supreme Court changed all that these laws they've been upheld by the Supreme Court but they aid for at least. He it portion of the population and actually do service in general an obstacle to voting.

    Now a new chapter in the fight for voting rights which advocates say. Are still under assault. And it's not just in the south this year there's a pitched battle over a last minute rule imposed in North Dakota requiring those IDs. To have a street address on them. Well more than 5000 native Americans living in North Dakota live on reservations. They only have a PO box which could compromise their vote.

    So we went out to North Dakota to find out just what's going on there. Me I didn't work like. So we really happens we don't want a mechanical informed educated and you can get access to diabetes perhaps heighten the beautiful.

    And so doing or engagement. Does this concert really come. Again informed and a large scale landing this is the government ordered a horrible accident and totally ignored me and everybody. How would be people. You're donating here.

    Why the community. Wanted to vote but the main guys he has a right to vote. 60000 American Indian people here in the state and I don't know what you wanna do is really important people.

    Well there their power as the winners here in. The effectiveness. Created this great for American people it's still affect college students it affects seniors. But that is realizes. He ordered his team we may not have. Thank you I'll be sitting that's center. The United States and his probably.

    The heart of this country we still have fast areas. We have not been good enough to fully. Something shifted over. And you see this engagement happening at this very moment in time wearing that he's decisions are. Most needed to be made on behalf of these people. We will make more demands.

    We will march we will protest. And wouldn't surprise. The reality is. This is enhanced news. And when we start showing up. Companies fighting.

    Our thanks to Marjorie McAfee and Ashley regal for bringing us that story and bringing us those voice is so important. Such a big effort under way were not he did out the vote including here in Florida UC. Our campaign rally about to get under way the big message get out to vote for how do you know if you've register how do you know your on the list. How do you know if the ID requirements in your state have changed wolf for the last 55 years since John F. Kennedy imposed a call to action the lawyers committee for civil rights under the law in Washington DC. Has been leading the charge to help boaters navigate this complex system. We went to their headquarters where they told us they've been the busiest they've been in decades.

    Want to bring you inside the election protection headquarters for the lawyers committee for civil rights this is where. Thousands of volunteers this season election season. Are fielding phone call seven decently take a look these volunteers. Listen in from.

    Callers voters all across the country accounting problems with the registration perhaps for showing up in an early voter voting location. Their name isn't on the list you see this gentleman right here is walking in a callers. Plain looking in the in the files from what the rules are in the state. Of these volunteers all have legal backgrounds we're told they're not all lawyers but they're trying to get answers.

    For voters having trouble. Stadium going. Your floor grease you're the manager of this election protection calls in Iran surprised how busy you are a week out from Election Day. Yeah I mean we've had a lot of letters that are calling and mailed me this information. Voter registration and what a detainee that the bulls maybe they find out they're not registered an actual what to do. And others are calling into river problems they may see and apparently voting. This volunteering here has just announced it.

    Talking about Thompson's voting machines you said there's a caller. We are married hearing a lot of issues and voting machine now we do have some voters that car and went concerns and we take those very seriously how busy is it right now compared to say the last mid term when you're hearing this.

    Yeah and so it's definitely have been a very busy here especially since I hope rarely have thousands of letters called thousands yes all the useful calling and had twice as many calls. And it's so far and then they haven't when he fourteenth we're getting a lot of calls from Georgia we've had hundreds. Just in the last month and Texas as another state where he is as early voting as parent. He can I have your day anybody continent and this is a caller. Yeah wanted to confirm his role and he generally simple be edited easy easy there. So when I visited the next. And it is instituting where you've been hearing today.

    OK let's yeah few callers from sit up Florida receives notice in the mail saying that there Helen Alice. Haven't received by the counties and so we can help explain the caller and federal. This place and pop. Come from directly from the state has some kind of scam that's going around Florida could be a scam or just. Trying to make sure that voters.

    You go out vote. Today we'll OK yeah 200 thank you so much we'll. What would you say to people wouldn't show up at the polls. Any time down the next week on November 6. They have a problem they're not on the list their registration is screwed up or intimidated by a poll worker what's your bottom line advice to folks. Don't give up its don't give up and don't walk out of that polling site without. Getting the help that you need and if you're not getting help.

    From somebody in charge of the site call us at 866 hour boat. We will literally be here virtually every hour of Election Day. And our goal is to troubleshoot the problems that people are having to make sure that they're able to successfully cast a ballot that will be counted. So don't give up. All right don't get out give up important words to remember that our thanks to the folks at the lawyers committee nonprofit nonpartisan just a reminder again. If you need to reach the election protection headquarters there are available every day 1866 arbor.

    Girl's attacks on vote 2987779. And asked them any questions you have.

    All right affects our big race what you have. Following the senate race in Missouri you should it could hold the keys to which party control congress. And what congress does next when it comes to health care including those protections for preexisting conditions are Mary Bruce travel to Missouri to get an insight on the rates. Missouri is one of ten red states where it's your democratic senators are fighting to hold on to their seats.

    Here Donald Trump won this state by nineteen points and the democratic senator Claire McCaskill is in the fight of her political life. I did fifty town halls you what people talked about most Hamels. Health care I.

    I have a preexisting condition I mean they're being sent. Within that health care.

    This can really impact your life it could really impact my life and I think he can impact on people's lives and Social Security Medicare endlessly talking those wounds. And the assistant tool. It also high cost of medical peer through my hand and James losing he's. These preexisting conditions okay now definitely. And cost of prescriptions you have.

    Republicans who spent years fighting to repeal obamacare. Are now embracing one of its most popular provisions. I support forcing insurance companies to cover all preexisting conditions Missouri Republican candidate Josh holly said for him it's personal. My wife and I have. A young boy who are fired hurled we learned this year has. A hip bone and joint condition there's a preexisting condition but holly who is Missouri's attorney general is also joined a lawsuit to overturn obamacare that would gut protections for people with preexisting conditions.

    Relatert mac cast enhanced version

    So which is to support these protections for you wanna get rid of I want to get rid of a moment here and I want to have the protections about a moment. If you want to keep these protections that we take your name off that loss and no because I wanna get rid of obamacare of the losses even Obama can't keep us protected by the Obama here is look it is driving the cost of health insurance up. The way that obamacare is written. Ties have preexisting conditions covers to the rest of obamacare we can do a lot better.

    He insists that he is going to protect people with preexisting conditions. Even if he sees as a supporter of this plus two dozen AK cents. Well you well it is. His party if they want protected they could be doing it. Right now they've had two years. To protect preexisting conditions.

    All right I want to bring in Mary Bruce now she joins us live from Washington just back from Missouri also are bringing Christopher they use the political editor. At the Saint Louis post dispatch thanks you both for being here marry when start with you a great workout there this week he spent a lot of time talking to Missouri voters. Hearing from them about Josh Polly's plan he wants to eliminate obamacare it is as we heard there he told you he wants to keep those preexisting conditions protections. Something we've heard from a lot of Republicans this campaign but what's the plan to do it how's that plane. Although unlike a lot of Republican candidates out there just - trying to have it both ways right he insists that he can keep those protections for people with preexisting conditions while still getting rid of obamacare but the political reality. Is that Republicans here in Washington on Capitol Hill. Have not yet been able to come up.

    With a plan that they can agree on to replace obamacare now I asked. Holly that exact question what's his plan how would he do all of this and he said while there are they are very different avenues that he could pursue he thinks. There that federal reinsurance is a good place to start but again Kinney get Republicans and Isabella and colleagues at an onboard with that that's the big question and look. Voters that I've talked it over and over again they're concerned that if Republicans are able to repeal obamacare without a plan to replace it that they could effectively have the rug pulled out from under that Democrats are well aware of that concern. They are hammering away at this point Claire McCaskill telling me just a few days ago in Missouri that there is no safety net for missourians she says it Josh holly is well aware of that.

    And it like other Republicans he is simply playing politics that's the democrats' message on this. It seems like those voters are gonna have to weigh those competing arguments for sure of springer Christopher in the conversation.

    Christopher at look at the polls this thing is neck and neck in Missouri what do you think it's gonna boil down to on Tuesday. I think it depends on. Whose message voters believe I think Republicans want this to be about.

    Immigration they don't want it to be about health care Democrats need this to be about health care about covering preexisting conditions so. You're going to have I think a a battle over messaging whose narrative will seize the day.

    And this is so many politicians are on both side certainly the pundits in Washington will be looking at Missouri Christopher. Offering tea leaves about future elections may be 2040 what what's the big take away from this debate in Missouri and health care for the rest of the country do you think. Well again I I I think it really is gonna play out in and not only in the state a large but they're particularly in the suburbs we know that holly the Republican in Missouri and in the United States is probably going to win.

    The rural areas. You know that the Democrat in this case maccast goal is gonna win the urban areas it's the suburban vote that really matters and health care Democrats say. Is really leading the way in terms of an issue. In the suburban areas of Missouri and now again with the president focusing so fiercely on immigration. It's really going to be interesting to see which message voters believe. That's right the president headed to Missouri in his final stretch out our thanks to you Christopher they would be Saint Louis post dispatch an armory Bruce who was on the ground in Missouri. We'll be watching misery next week thank you go.

    All right moving on to our big numbers are big number this week is 42 point 4% that's the percentage of Americans who. Approval of president trump right now as we head into the mid terms according to 538. 42 point 4% is the lowest presidential approval going into the mid terms of the last three presidents. Presidential popularity of cause a big factor in those house and senate races and in the governor's race here in Florida let's bring in 530 to the annual rate gets.

    Who's been tracking all those races that Daniel want to start out with the house forecasts to conventional wisdom has the Democrats certainly having this locked in but. It's not 100% right. Now not at all in fact we give Democrats a six in seven chance at taking over the house which. There's certainly a you know they're very favored but yeah importantly it's not a 100% because when you have a six and seven chance of one thing happening.

    I mean there's a one and seven chance that the other thing is gonna happen we have this thing called the confidence interval. Which basically we says that we think the most likely outcomes within this range and we have Democrats picking up anywhere from sixty. 220 seats so basically lots of fingers don't play including Republican controlled house. It is an an almost 15% chance the Republicans keep control that's not an insignificant number I think. Important to remind people that over on the senate side though you know and certainly a different picture give us the latest sent us senate forecast you can see in.

    Yeah exactly so it's basically opposite in the senate Republicans have a five and six chance and again but doesn't count out Democrats they have a one in six chance. But that's certainly a very different picture chances are buried there were can have split control.

    He confidence interval in this case shows anywhere from Democrats picking up two seats in the senate. Two Republicans picking up for so it could go in either direction. Could go another direction they have a two seat majority right now as you know I know you're also tracking key governor races across the country we're here in Florida right now actually. At an event for Andrew gill and he's the Democrat running up against trump endorsed.

    Former representative Ron Desantis the Republican. No what are you tracking and this race it's been very close here. Gashton very close that you see very consistently polls have put Andrew Gilman had they're really only been a handful out of a twenty or thirty polls of the race that have shown on Desantis took the lead and as a result we get injured Elena three in four chance. As you can see of winning this race are Democrats are expected to do very well and governors' races all across the country about Florida race. Is one of eight democratic.

    All right its annual rate hits with 530 A we know you guys are updating the forecast down to the minute down to the wire. 538 dot com and ABC NASDAQ comp think you so much Daniel will be following those central caps. All right finally today's our big profile as we were just talking it is safe yours fight to be the next governor of Florida.

    Both candidates on the campaign trail Ron Desantis Andrew Gillen who spent the day with Andrew Galen earlier today. And heard about the history he hopes to make here in Florida. Honest American to me through hardship. Great to see here thanks so much to make enough time we're gonna bears. Look at it allows it back you know I just said we got Richard basically got through to the mayors and R&R shot there's so much different than what a lot of mileage on the the technical equipment. We have no choice was trying to win this race when this date how confident are you right now. Now one realtor ago it's very good I mean the beauty is that is.

    We're fortunate enough at this stage of the race would be able to expand beyond our regular base typically at this stage Democrats running for governor arc. Camp out in Miami Dade Broward and authorities now those counties mean a lot to me I don't wanna get it wrong. But we're in this county will be up in Pensacola and in bay county about it in this evening going through. All kinds of areas that are traditionally Republican areas but we're competing in those places because. When you governor forty got to be governor for all the people who are looking pretty good when I know you're not gonna rely on them but. Are you thinking right now about.

    The history that you could return not a day has become a Vietnam we get seven days and I count your chickens yet not its stance we got to win this race. I think we've good too often taken our eye off the ball before that thing was done and we wake up and one point nine I want to. Ask you about some of the few years from conservative voters in this race here fla. On and it just seemed to be a pretty genuine and she hurts him gentlemen you're to remodel their voters if not about your race or about your politics a lot of name calling social. And that's scary word. I want to ask you how can neutralize that it.

    How do you bring those. Yeah what one I think as they get to know me I am. They'll learn that I'm a pretty pragmatic person.

    An elected fifteen years the one of the fastest growing economies in the state of floor. The crime rate my city is that a five year low on the only city in the state of Florida Texas and they are small business licensing fees. We want small this to prop prosper my only point in this has been everybody tested contribute their fair share how do you build those bridges for the Abrams well apparently those. The same way that I have before. You talk to people you allow them to get to know you when you get to know them part of being in this area. Going to areas that are not traditional places we Democrats compete in the senate traditionally re absolutely over retail real area absolutely.

    But we're here. Because I want them to know I want to be their governor to. There one person has been stoking some of those fears of forces. President United States president trump just last night you saw some critics Warner thinks he probably stone pool B. Send your corrupt. Leader of one of the most corrupt cities in America what you think is going.

    Relatert Mac Cast Enhanced Version

    I once had expectations that the president would. Take the opportunity to the especially during a time like this where. That really and I've been families are burying loved ones this week in Pittsburgh. We had up bomber right here in the state of Florida I speak supporter of president trump and my point Bob Desantis sending bombs into the household.

    Democrats who have stood up to the president. Tent camping down on that kind of do wristed and divisive and dangerous right.

    He's sitting around here stoking. That isn't leadership. I would recommend that the president be the president let us when this race here in Florida.

    His candidate in doing so well I get that they've got anxiety about that. But there's another difference is between Meehan mr. Desantis on the issues.

    That we don't have to result to name calling. If he thinks he's right on the issues might be on the issue everything to be attacked by the press I think it's pretty pitiful that it president of the United States is engaged in this way. But I will tell you this much he's met his match I don't believe in backing down. Is certainly when it comes as any of the things we believe about this caravan the president talking about immigration allot it's migrants moving north. You've talked a lot of an immigration your campaign. If would those asylum seekers be welcome in your corner lot tell you first of all on on that issue which.

    We have to recognize yes we are a nation of laws and a nation of borders and we do have a process including a processor on asylum. But you've got folks who were leaving they have their home countries in droves that their kids and families and so. And as a reason for that and I think what the president should do it frankly the global community yet it's time to do. Is consider what steps we're taking that are leading to people needing to leave their own homelands. And figure out what a a humanitarian solution might be to this problem.

    Certainly would not want to turn guns of the most powerful military and the world. On children and families Seeking Asylum. I would encourage the president is that if tweet about me.

    To convene leaders in this hemisphere around what we're going to do with that thousands of individuals who were fleeing a homeland. Can exercise you lastly I have to ask the FBI investigations as big issue in this race I know you've said you're not looking at you there obviously are no indictments in this matter. What you see two people missing were their smoke the most fire now what do you say to people we're just concerned because your opponents reading this story suspicious truck hit a. Do you I think what I was a first of all of that got zero tolerance for corruption. Number two I don't get to choose passion of my friends. Number three I would say that we have handed the FBI.

    About is well that you would want a government official to which is to say. One we welcome you win if this if someone has done anything on the outfield for the accountable.

    What my opponents of attempted to do is suggest because I know different people that somehow I'm wondering beyond this case. That is not true when there's nothing could be further from not it is my city. What we did is we've opened up by governments say if someone is not something wrong that can be hopefully accountable contrast that's out the president feels that the FBI. Contrast that the house the statistics is that what them. And they are investigation the Washington DC gave undermined and that it return it but it attempted put limits on you'll himself.

    They attempted to even suggest that it deep state was at work. And how many indicted people around the president. Listen the president shouldn't throw stones when he lives in a bigger glass to your house like Andrew Dillon point 18 mean not a chance.

    Mayor all right and I stigma there and I must absolutely. Bernard our thanks to mayor Gillen and we should note that we will be ABC news live will be here in Fort Myers tomorrow as well for Republicans. Congressman Ron Desantis rally with with president trump so we will have that on ABC news live as well which you tune and and we'll be back next week right here on the big vote for special edition 4:30 PM eastern hour long show next week. Of course continuing coverage on election night through 2 AM eastern anchored. By my good friend Dan Harris and of course I'll be back in the briefing room tomorrow we'll see there 3:30 PM eastern time until then I'm Devin Dwyer and Florida. Thanks for watching. This transcript has been automatically generated and may not be 100% accurate.

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